Here is Jennifer's post-class assignment.
Click on this document, which opens in a new window. Follow the instructions and post your answer here.
Here is Jennifer's post-class assignment.
Click on this document, which opens in a new window. Follow the instructions and post your answer here.
PRESENTER: JENNIFER LEBEDEV The PRE-TASK is INCLUDED BELOW. Please post your response in a comment on THIS PAGE and comment on your colleagues' posts.
Jennifer will share key principles that have guided her own creation of content for pronunciation lessons. Participants will be invited to study and discuss models that allow for meaningful practice, personalized content, and multiple encounters in different formats.
Pre-lesson task
Look at this list.
1. Choose 10 “-ing” words for a group of high beginner students to practice.
2. What would you do with these words? Name two possibilities. (For example, “I’d ask the class to read the list with me. Listen-repeat.”)
[Note the site was created by Robert Hoare. Click for more info.]
Class recording on You Tube.